Thursday, September 27, 2018

Nines Tricks!

Hello Families!

We have been introducing our 5s, 10s, 2s, 9s and 3s in multiplication and division. Many of these have very distinct patterns that students were already somewhat familiar with (specifically 2, 5, and 10). When it comes to nines there are so many cool tricks that can help students remember their facts! Here are two that we learned in class in case you're unfamiliar with them!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Hello and Welcome!

Hello Third Grade Families!

Welcome to our Third Grade Homework Help blog! This blog can hopefully help when you are helping your child with math homework and you think, "That's totally now how I learned that!"

Subscribe in the right hand corner of the blog to receive updates whenever we post new pictures, videos, or tutorials!

Feel free to use the comments section for any questions - we are looking forward to a great year of math learning with you and your child!